Dreaming of Spring

Advice from Lau Tze, wonderfully visualized by Zen Pencils:


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4 antwoorden
  1. Anna
    Anna zegt:

    Hi Claartje! What a wonderful blog and such an inspirational post! It is true that personal growth is a process very much similar to physical growth: it takes time and effort, a nourishing environment and a lot of positive energy to accomplish. And although the outcome may seem like it takes for ever, nothing compares to the feeling of new leaves and flowers emerging from the ground -or your heart. Have a wonderful spring!

    • vansijl
      vansijl zegt:

      Hi Anna, great to hear from you and thanks for the compliments! You found out about my blog really quickly: I only just started it… 😉 I guess spring is well on it’s way in Greece? In Holland today it’s green, but wet, as always. I was soaked twice today, but happy anyway. Growing like a weed… How are you?

      • Anna
        Anna zegt:

        This is what I love mostly about today’s technology: bringing people together from far away instantly! I discovered your blog today and I was so happy to see that you are still high on positive energy and spreading it around. All the more because my thesis is not over yet and I need all the motivation I can get. Spring also helps, it’s a wonderful time in Greece (weather-wise at least, cause everything else has become very difficult…). Keep growing Claartje and keep up the good work, I’ll certainly be a regular here! Kusjes for your sweet girls also!

  2. vansijl
    vansijl zegt:

    You’re right and very welcome! I try my best and emanate positive energy. As you can see on my website (https://vansijl.com) I made it my work to motivate and encourage ‘academics young of heart’ to rediscover joy in what they’re doing and wishing for themselves. I’m also looking for ways to integrate this with philosophical knowledge about the art of living. I’d love to hear your opinion every now and then. You keep going with that thesis, Anna. I know you can do it!


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