dr. Claartje van Sijl

What academics have to do with snowdrops

    Click here for all details of the Scientist…

Top 3 reasons why successfull early career researchers risk delay and consider dropping out

The early career phase is a fragile, precarious time in the life…

Behind the scenes: the world in which PhD candidates live

Prof. Lou de Leij and dr. Marjan Koopmans initiated the PhD…

How to stay on track in the high speed rail of academia?

Side by side I walk with Maureen over a carpet of yellow and…

How to get unstuck and enjoy your work despite high pressure & workload?

It has been 1,5 years since Dane successfully got his PhD. Seen…

Radical Candor

Scylla and Charibdis for academic leadership: Why successful…

Follow your energy

Have you ever relied on to-do lists in an attempt to work effectively?…

Is your persistence helping you?

In our first talk, many academics warn me that they are rather…

Successful but unhappy academic: what is wrong with you?

I get it: you are smart. You got a PhD. You landed a tenure track…

3 myths about leaving the academy

Many academics worry whether they ‘have it in them’ to succeed…